Cátedra Lengua y Comunicación para la Enseñanza del Inglés

- Cátedra Lengua y Comunicación para la Enseñanza del Inglés
- Enseñanza del Inglés para I y II ciclos (Diplomado)
- Enseñanza del Inglés para I y II ciclos (Licenciatura)
- Enseñanza del Inglés para I y II ciclos (Bachillerato)
- (506) 2527-2659
Primer Cuatrimestre
Módulo Nivelatorio
- Inglés Nivelatorio I. Código 05559.
Asignaturas de Diplomado
- Conversación Inglesa I. Código 05009.
- Gramática Inglesa I. Código 05011.
- Fonética Inglesa I. Código 05012.
Asignaturas de Bachillerato
- Análisis Crítico de Películas y Documentales. Código 05540.
Segundo Cuatrimestre
Módulo Nivelatorio
- Inglés Nivelatorio I. Código 05559.
- Inglés Nivelatorio II. Código 05560.
Asignaturas de Diplomado
- Conversación Inglesa II. Código 05014.
- Gramática Inglesa II. Código 05015.
- Fonética Inglesa II. Código 05016.
Asignaturas de Licenciatura
- Comunicación Intercultural para Docentes de Inglés. Código 05181
Tercer Cuatrimestre
Módulo Nivelatorio
- Inglés Nivelatorio II. Código 05560.
Asignaturas de Diplomado
- Conversación Inglesa III. Código 05177
Asignaturas de Bachillerato
- Elocución Inglesa. Código 05190.
- Gramática Inglesa III. Código 05539.
- Análisis Crítico de Películas y Documentales. Código 05540
Materiales didácticos
Mastering the structures of a language, in this case English, helps speakers to interact with others, understand the messages that are shared and actively participate in the communicative process. However, structures tend to be tricky and require lots of practice.
- Goal
The main goal of Grammar Village is to support students in their learning process either when taking specific grammar courses or in their self-study time.
To practice go to Grammar Village

In the wide world of grammar, adjectives play an important role because they help speakers describe what surrounds them in the material world as well as situations and problems they encounter. However, one must follow a particular order to make sense and to have a clear line of thought.
The main goal of Quality Fair is to support students in their learning process either when taking specific grammar courses or in their self-study time by offering extensive practice that helps to consolidate knowledge.
To practice go to Quality Fair
- Better Speaking by British Broadcasting Corporation 2003
- Practices for ESL by David Schwarzer
- Activities for ESL-EFL Students (English Study) by The Internet TESL Journal
- Composition_ Strunk, William, Jr_ 1918_ Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Podcasts by The Internet TESL Journal
- English Grammar Handbook by Athabasca University
- ESL Videos by Charles Kelly & Larry Kelly
- Form Strunk, William, Jr 1918 Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.
- Glossary of Grammatical Terms by Athabasca University
- Misused Expressions Strunk, William, Jr 1918 Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.
- OWL at Purdue University Conciseness Methods of Eliminating Wordiness by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab
- Word Forms (suffixes and prefixes) (unknown author)
- Toon in to Idioms: Cartoons and audio from Adam Rado.
- ESL Café’s Phrasal Verb Page: Dennis Olivier’s comprehensive listing of hundreds of phrasal verbs, complete with definitions and sample sentences.
- ESL Café’s Idiom Page: Hundreds of idioms are available at the click of a mouse, brought to you by Dennis Oliver of the American Language and Culture Program at Arizona State Universtity.
- Color-related Idioms: Collection by Phillip Miller Eberz.
Enlaces para las asignaturas
Sounds of English: This site was designed for ESL students and teachers alike. It includes listening exercises, handouts, tips, sounds and videos to help you with your pronunciation.
Phonetics: The Sounds of Spoken Language: It is a Phonetics Flash Animation Project from the University of Iowa. The “site contains animated libraries of the phonetics sounds of English, German and Spanish.” The site includes an “articulatory diagram, a step-by-step description, and video-audio of the sound spoken in context” for each consonant and vowel. It also has “an interactive diagram of the articulatory anatomy.” In order to use it, you must have Flash 7 or install the Flash Web Player.
International Phonetic Association: Lots of links and information, including Phonetic Fonts for Windows and Mac.
Dictionary.com: An excellent dictionary, thesaurus, reference, and translator, with tools to install in your computer. You can hear the pronunciation of the word and see the translation into the IPA phonetic alphabet.
NorthStar: More purposeful integration of critical thinking and an enhanced focus on academic skills such as inferencing, synthesizing, notetaking, and test taking help students develop strategies for success in the classroom and on standardized tests. A culminating productive task integrates content, language and critical thinking skills.
A structured approach gives students opportunities for more extended and creative oral practice, for example, presentations, simulations, debates, speeches, public service announcements and more.
Mouth Workout: Tongue twister exercises to improve problem consonants.
International Phonetic Association: Lots of links and information, including Phonetic Fonts for Windows and Mac.
Barriers to Acquiring Listening Strategies for EFL Learners and Their Pedagogical Implications: “This study explores the difficulties or barriers confronted by the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners while acquiring listening comprehension strategies during a training program.”
Using Mnemonics in Vocabulary Tests: “This paper introduces the use of mnemonics as a possible method to improve high school vocabulary test scores and finishes with some recommendations for conducting tests in higher education.”
Building Vocabulary Through Prefixes, Roots & Suffixes: By slowly and steadily studying the most prominent prefixes, roots, and suffixes, students can acquire a vocabulary that is far greater than the sum of its parts.
Listening In Language Learning: This article examines the “theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of listening comprehension.”
World Link: In this site you can find dictations for practicing listening.
Dictionary: An excellent dictionary, thesaurus, reference, and translator with tools to install in your computer. You can hear the pronunciation of the word and see the translation into the IPA phonetic alphabet.
Livemocha: "Una poderosa oportunidad para personas alrededor del mundo para conectarse con amigos en el mismo idioma"
English as a Second Language (ESL) Podcasts: These are the 30 newest podcasts for ESL learners
The Daily English Show: Watch the newest show, followed by older shows.
Grammar FROM Context: Re-thinking the Teaching of Grammar at Various Proficiency Levels: This article analyzes the causes of some problems in teaching and learning grammar
Advanced Level Grammar for ESL Learners: English grammar explanations for advanced forms and structures for ESL / EFL advanced level learners.
Advanced Level Quizzes - English Learning Quizzes for Advanced ESL: Grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension quizzes for advanced level students.
Learning English for the Advanced Level - ESL EFL Advanced English: Learning English for the Advanced level learning materials including grammar, listening, TOEFL and Cambridge Exam preparation materials, vocabulary, reading, listening comprehension, writing, reference, and quizzes, as well as free lesson plans for ESL / EFL English teachers.
ESL Teacher Handouts, Grammar Worksheets & Printables: Free English grammar and vocabulary worksheets and printable handouts, for English language and English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and instructors to use in the classroom or other teaching environment.
CT 01 Advanced Grammar - Perfect Tenses (video): This lesson examines the use of perfect tenses in both the simple and continuous aspect - past, present and future forms. In grammatical terms, perfect tenses are used to refer to completed or finished events.
CT 02 Advanced ESL Grammar - Passive Voice (video): In this video, Brian looks at the use of the passive voice. After looking at why we use the passive voice, Brian goes on to explain how the passive voice is formed.
CT 03 Advanced English Grammar - ING Forms and Gerunds (video): In this video, Brian reviews the different -ING forms and gerunds. After looking at the various types of -ING words in English, Brian goes on to explain the use of gerunds.
CT 04 Advanced English Grammar – Conditionals (video): In this lesson, Brian reviews the three basic conditionals: first (probable) conditional, second (improbable) conditional and third (past improbable) conditional. In the second part of the video, Brian looks at some common errors native speakers make with the third conditional.
Dictionary.com: An excellent dictionary, thesaurus, reference, and translator with tools to install in your computer. You can hear the pronunciation of the word and see the translation into the IPA phonetic alphabet.
Englishpage.com: Free online English lessons & ESL / EFL resources.
Grammar Slammer!: A help file that helps to check grammar, punctuation, style and usage, and mistakes.
GrammarBook.com: Videos about the use of pronouns, verbs, commas, prepositions, apostrophes, hyphens, capitalization and others.
Resumes That Sizzle: You can learn English words, practice grammar, look at some basic rules, prepare for exams, do tests or just have fun playing games. Enjoy yourself with more than 650 exercises online.
Activities for ESL Students: Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language (ESL). This project of The Internet TESL Journal (iteslj.org) has thousands of contributions by many teachers.
English Grammar Handbook: Basic Grammar. Sentences and Grammar. Punctuation. Manuscript Preparation. Idioms and Pronunciation.
- How to prepare for a Interview
- Storytelling Techniques and how to apply them
- Nine tips to use storytelling in the classroom
- 8 major types interviews
- BBC Learning English
- How to Answer Classic Job Interviews Questions
- Oral Presentations Tips
- 10 Public Speaking for Academics
- 25 Skills Every Public Speacker Should Have
Angie Fonseca Quirós
- Bachiller en la Enseñanza del Inglés
- Máster en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
Clare Goodman Goodchild
- Bachiller en la Enseñanza del Inglés para I y II Ciclos
- Licenciada en Enseñanza del Inglés
- Máster en Enseñanza del Inglés
David Boza Méndez
- Bachiller en Inglés
- Máster en Literatura Inglesa
Elizabeth Cascante Ramírez
- Bachiller en Inglés
- Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa
- Máster en Psicopedagogía
Jennifer Burke Peterkin
- Bachiller en Enseñanza del Inglés
- Máster en Ciencias de la Educación con Énfasis en la Enseñanza del Inglés
José Yansey Soto Torres
- Bachiller en Inglés
- Licenciado en Enseñanza del Inglés
- Máster en Administración Educativa
Lilia Saborío Corrales
- Bachiller en Inglés
- Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con énfasis en Docencia para ejercer la Enseñanza del Inglés
- Licenciada en Administración Educativa
- Máster en Administración Educativa
- Máster en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
Marcela Castro Barrantes
- Bachiller en Enseñanza del Inglés
- Licenciada en Docencia
- Máster en Administración Educativa
María del Milagro Trejos Morera
- Bachiller en Inglés
- Máster en Ciencias de la Educación con Énfasis en Docencia
Paola Serrano Vásquez
- Bachiller en Educación Preescolar Bilingüe
- Licenciada en Educación Preescolar con énfasis en Orientación Infantil
- Máster en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
- Posgrado en Especialización de Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje
Rosaura Gómez Rodríguez
Bachiller en Enseñanza del Inglés
Máster en Tecnología Educativa
Master en Diseño Instruccional
Última actualización: 12/12/2024

- Ubicación: San José, Costa Rica. De la rotonda de la Betania 500 m este, carretera a Sabanilla, Mercedes de Montes de Oca. UNED-Edificio C
- Correo electrónico: esocial@uned.ac.cr
- Central telefónica: (506) 2527-2355
- https://www.facebook.com/socialesyhumanidades