MBA. Hellen Ruiz Hidalgo
Strategic Communicator, (OCEX-UNED)

"The public value of UNED is to serve all human beings" (Rodrigo Arias Camacho, UNED rector). That is why, in facing the emergency that the country is suffering, from the moment the Covid-19 began, UNED has made an extraordinary effort to offer assistance, through the academia, to the national struggle against the pandemic. The efforts and initiatives are numerous. There is institutional and human commitment to contribute significantly to the struggle of our people in this difficult ordeal.

OCEX dedicates this information capsule to divulge multiple initiatives of our Alma Mater, for its part or jointly with other actors of civil society, in the fight against the coronavirus. This compilation of initiatives is by no means exhaustive, as new actions are emerging every day and the focus has been on action rather than publicity. Even so, the added value that OCEX offers in this publication is to leave a historical record of this endeavor.

Distance learning initiatives

 "I learn at home": UNED, MEP and SINART join forces to bring education to homes. 

Aprendo en casa anuncio

The Ministry of Public Education (MEP), the State Distance Learning University (UNED) and SINART Costa Rica Media will produce a television space, facilitate access to virtual tools, provide guides for autonomous work and educational resources aimed at teachers, the student population and their families. SINART, the television broadcast and the MEP offers among its vast content: The Mathematics Reform Program, Preparation for the FARO national tests, "Stay at home and read a book". Teachers have a link to more than 200 examples by level and subject on the website, in the section called Coronavirus (Covid -19). From March 25, 2020, there is a broadcast of the program: "I learn at home", on channel 13.


Free virtual courses and webinars.

cursos virtuales MEP

The UNED, in conjunction with the Uladislao Gámez Solano Institute for Professional Development, the Association of Friends for Learning (ADA), the Omar Dengo Foundation (FOD) and other open platforms. Teachers will have access to the online offer at:




 “Open U: Learning for Life." 

U abierta

It is a new service of flexible education that the UNED offers to the national community through the department of University Extension, making available free resources for self-learning, with free access, without restriction of time, space or requirements.




CONED virtual platforms in educational support to students from educational centers closed by Covid-19.


The National College of Distance Education (CONED) of the UNED will make its Academic Platform available to the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) so that teachers and the student community in Secondary Education can make use of the academic resources available, while they remain closed in view of the risk of contagion from Covid-19. More information:



Some other initiatives 

Didactic guide to complete the application for the Bono Proteger.  

Guia bono proteger

Didactic guide to complete the application for the Bono Proteger. The UNED prepared a didactic guide to complete, step by step, the application for the Bono Proteger, granted by the Government of the Republic. This is an initiative of the Directorate of Extension, in support of workers who have been affected by the Covid-19. The idea is to facilitate the filling out of the application to be a beneficiary of a temporary economic bonus. Guide available at:



 “FAB Face Shield”. 

Protector facial Fabl lab

Face shield to protect against Covid-19 developed by UNED. It can be reproduced free of charge by the manufacturing laboratories. To ensure the safety of medical personnel, UNED released the drawings and technical data sheet of the model for use in public and private sectors. This is an initiative of UNED's Fab Lab Kä Träre, with the support of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and the medical staff of the National Children's Hospital of Costa Rica. The model was shared with the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS), the Ministry of Health, the Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica and the Colabcr group. The protector's files are available at:    


Virtual hackathon against Covid-19.

hackaton contra covid UNEDFrom March 23rd to April 2nd, 10 groups of professionals, university and high school students participated in "A Hackatón against Covid-19". This culminated in actual solutions to assist sectors impacted by the pandemic. The hackatón was organized by the UNED's Laboratorio de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (LIIT) and the citizen group Crisis Proactiva. They presented solutions in agriculture, trade, tourism, health, information and unemployment. Three initiatives were selected for the next phase of maturity and two of them will receive a total economic support of $20 thousand (dollars) from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the technical assistance of AUGE-UCR.
For information on the results: (Link 1) and in (Link 2).


Interactive cantonal map of case record of Covid-19.

mapa cantonal geovisión

With the aim of facilitating the viewing of Covid-19 cases by canton in real time, the UNED's Laboratory for Research and Technological Innovation (LIIT) developed a map to interactively find cantonal information. This tool is used by the Ministry of Health to provide daily geographical statistics on Covid-19 cases. 
Available at:




UNED produces the first in the world mask that can be reused and is biodegradable.


UNED produces the first in the world mask that can be reused and is biodegradable, with an "EnceradiTica" filter. This is a natural resin that waterproofs one of the three layers of cotton fabric of the mask. This initiative was developed by UNED's School of Exact Sciences in conjunction with some small companies, in order to offer a washable and reusable mask that is completely filter-proof against aerosols, liquids, bacteria and micro-organisms.



Advice on Teleworking. 

asesoria teletrabajo

UNED provides this support on a virtual basis. Twenty-eight representatives of the universities affiliated with the System for the Internationalisation of Central American Higher Education (SIESCA) participated, under the coordination of the Telework Programme and the UNED's Directorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation (DIC).




Logistical assistance to the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS).

UNED y CCSS covid 19

Assistance to the CCSS in transporting health technicians, delivering medicines and eyeglasses, giving priority to older people. Through the coordinated work of the medical service, occupational health, the transport unit and the UNED university centres, the university makes its vehicles and drivers available to the CCSS for the transportation of the health technicians, who are responsible for delivering the medicines, house by house.



Information actions concerning the Tax Relief Law, in response to Covid-19 crisis.


With the slogan "Do we continue, stop or reinvent ourselves? SMEs in the time of Covid-19." The Observatory on SMEs of the UNED, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC), the Chamber of Industries of Costa Rica and the Council for Social Responsibility, informs on this issue to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).




UNED.CR following COVID-19.

rastreo cantonal

UNED.CR following COVID-19. Interactive website developed by Costa Rican and Spanish academics. With several statistical analyses and using primary sources it follows the evolution of the coronavirus at a national and international level. This site is available at:


 Dissemination and information to national and international subscribers. 

usar medidas covid ingles

The Observatory of Foreign Trade (OCEX), of the UNED, by means of its capsules in English and Spanish, produces a state of affairs of the Covid-19 in Costa Rica (see link), impacts of the Covid-19 in the Costa Rican and world economy (see link). Additionally, it has contributed to the national debate by addressing the effects of Covid-19 in the national press (Hurricane after the storm) and analyzes the vulnerabilities of globalization that come to light with the Covid-19 virus
(A new vulnerability of globalization).



“Read a book a day." 

ebooks 2

This is part of the initiative: "Reading is fun". UNED through the Ebooks platform lends one book every day for free to be read at home. This initiative proposes to accompany, with pleasant, short and easy to read texts, the days at home in compliance with the preventive measures against Covid-19.




 “Class Tool Kit” 

tool 2

This is the website available to UNED to answer the issue of how to create a safe environment for children and adolescents in virtual times. An initiative developed by the Laboratory for Research and Technological Innovation (LIIT). It compiles a list of tools for this purpose. Details of each can be found in the Parental Control section of the "Class Tool Kit" website:



 Open Educational Resources (REA for its name in Spanish).


UNED creates for the MEP a wide range of resources in different areas of knowledge. It incorporates more than 90 general tools and 130 open educational resources. It was created by an academic group from the State Distance Learning University (UNED) with the aim of providing students and teachers from all over the country with materials that complement their study processes by levels.

Emotional support for people with disabilities in the midst of this health crisis. 

Apoyo emocional

With weekly virtual sessions the UNED prioritizes a daily accompaniment through mobile devices. "The Puzzle Theater group", formed by people with disabilities, is active with the assistance of the UNED, this initiative allows the university to formulate a protocol of care for this population at a time when communication and interaction with their peers are key to addressing the crisis of Covid-19.



Study on the effect on the mental health of Costa Ricans as a result of Covid. 

estudio salud mental

Study on the effect on the mental health of Costa Ricans as a result of Covid 19. The research is part of the work being carried out by Costa Rican and Spanish experts, including Dr. Greibin Villegas, a statistician, and Dr. Harold Arias Le Claire, a biologist, both academics from the UNED.



Parental accompaniment of children at home. 

Rol padres 2

The director of the School of Sciences of the Education, of the UNED, Linda Madriz, participated in a program of NC Eleven, to share with parents advices and suggestions of parental follow-up in the middle of the emergency generated by the Covid-19.



Online celebration of the Day of the Book. 

Día del libro electronico

The UNED Publishing House, working in a coordinated relationship with the Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ), the National Printers, private initiatives such as the Book Club and Carretica Cuentera, joined forces to celebrate the Day of the Book online on April 23rd with a robust offering of books in electronic formats.



“Cherry Lime Juice”

Cherry lime

A musical work of national and international talents, it is part of the Virtual Percussion Extravaganza initiative, carried out by the Percussion Ensemble of the UNED's Direction of University Extension (DIREXTU), the Percussion Chair of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and the School of Music of the University of Minnesota, USA. This effort produced a video to alleviate, through music, the social isolation caused by the Covid-19..


Packaging and distribution of food.

vivres 2

UNED, in coordination with the municipal emergency committees, the Joint Institute for Social Assistance (IMAS), the CCSS and the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), delivers food packages to the most vulnerable populations throughout the country.



Lecturas consultadas: